More About Oscar’s Place

What can I say about this amazing place, the focus of our Karma Project. I first learned about Oscar’s Place from an interview I saw on CBS This Morning. David Begnaud was interviewing Ron King, the founder of Oscar’s Place and by the end I knew this had to be the focus of my retreat.

I have learned a lot about the abuse donkeys endure since watching that interview. Because many societies regard donkeys as a low- status animals, they suffer a lot of abuse. Donkeys are typically inexpensive and hold little value and therefore are used as working animals who receive very little care from their owners. Additionally, China has a strong interest in donkey hides to manufacture traditional Chinese medicines. The gelatin in their hides supposedly has medicinal properties to nourish the blood and strengthen the immune system.

Oscar’s Place has made it their mission to not only resuce as many of these gentle creatures as they can, but also to educate us about the torture they endure. They now have 118 donkeys (as of Jan 31, 2023) and volunteers are needed to spend time with them and help them to trust humans again. Once the donkeys are ready both physically and emotionally, Oscar’s Place help them to find their forever home.

Oscar’s Place has two key requirements regarding adoption. First and foremost, you must ensure that the donkeys will not be used for giving rides, breeding, any type of work, or be used at a petting zoo. Finally, you can only adopt donkeys in pairs; donkeys form very strong bonds with one another and it is devestating for them to be separated.

So, as Oscar’s Place volunteers, we will spend several hours scratching their ears, kissing their noses, giving them hugs, rubbing their bellies and giving their bums a good scratch; they really love that!! The requirements for this tasks are simple; a love of animals and a loving heart.

If this sounds appealing to you, please join us June 21-25 in Sonoma Valley at the Karma Yoga Retreat! I can tell you from experience, these donkeys will catpure your heart; my mom even fell in love with them!

If you want to subscribe to this blog, please click the button below!

Learning New Tricks

A little over a year ago, I became interested in mat pilates. So much so, that in the fall of 2022, I started the Balanced Body Mat Pilates teacher training program and trained at two local studios; Paragon Pilates and Awaken Pilates. Spoiler alert, it is COMPLETELY different from yoga. While yoga is all about linking expansive postures with the breath, pilates is all about getting deep into the muscle layers with your breath. I recently told a pilates student that while yoga usually feels really good during a class, pilates typically feels really good AFTER the class. At least, this is what I have personally experienced. It is challenging, but I love the challenge.

I am currently teaching a Beginning Mat Pilates class at the Yoga Center Retreat and will be adding a morning class at a new studio starting April 2nd. For those who are willing to rise and shine for a 7:00am Mat Class, you can join me Tuesday mornings at the Communal Studio at West End. The studio is owned by Una Setia and offers a variety of class and workshops; I am very excited to be part of it.

For class details and locations, please note below.

Do You Love Full Moons Too?

I love full moons. I love watching them rise over the horizon, I love
standing underneath them when they are high in the sky, and I love seeing how
they reflect over water. There is something magical, mysterious, and
captivating about the full moon; it almost feels like it is trying to tell me

Actually, the moon is trying to tell us all something; let it go.  Let go of
what? Let go of what is no longer serving you. This can represent a multitude
of things such as physical objects, overpacked schedules, people who bring us
down or our own self-defeating thoughts. 

Every so often, I hold a Full Moon Ritual at the Yoga Center Retreat and we explore
all topics that involve the full moon. How does the full moon make you feel? What
draws you to the full moon? How does your mood change as the moon becomes
fuller and fuller? Do you have any rituals that you practice during the full
moon? Some people use this time to clean their house or cleanse their crystal
while others may enjoy an evening hike or recording their feelings in a

During my moon workshops, we start out with general discussions about the
moon and then go into the powerful meaning behind full moons. Full moons are a
time for letting go of what no longer serves you. I give everyone time to
journal, list and name what they feel those things are. After 10 minutes or so
of reflection, I have them write down the most pressing thing on a piece of
paper and fold it up. Once everyone has their "thing" written down,
we all take turns burning that piece of paper in a glass bowl and one’s turn is
not up until that piece of paper has turned into ashes. Everyone is given the
opportunity to share what was on that piece of paper or keep it to themselves. 

Moon Ritual Burning Ceremony Remnants

Yet, the full moon isn’t just a time to acknowledge what isn’t working in
our lives, it’s also a time to express gratitude to what is working in our
favor. We also take time during the workshop to reflect on all that we are
grateful for and share that with the group if desired. 

We conclude our time with a short practice to open the body and release any pent-up
energy and to calm the mind. It truly is one of my most favorite workshops to
hold because I am always so moved and inspired by those who have attended. 

My next workshop will be Friday, February 23rd at 6:30pm (the moon will be at it’s peak the following night) at the Yoga Center Retreat. I would love
to have you join us but if you can’t, do take some time for yourself during the
upcoming full moon and check in with how you’re feeling and see what your body
and spirit may be needing. Perhaps you can start a moon ritual of your very

Going Back To Cali!



  hours  minutes  seconds


Karma Retreat 2.0

Hello Yogis!  I am happy to announce that we are going back to California for Karma Retreat 2.0 June 26st-30th, 2024.

Last year’s retreat was a wonderful experience and we all loved the northern California sun, practicing yoga al fresco, touring the neighboring vineyards and of course doting over the sweet residents at Oscar’s Place.

This year’s retreat will be very similar in format but will have a few tweaks.  First of all, we will be staying in Hopland (Mendocino County) which is just shy of two hours from San Francisco; last year we were in Cloverdale (Sonoma County).  I chose Hopland as our home base because it is so much closer to all of the key venues which means less drive time.  Furthermore, I found an amazing home away from home that I believe we will all enjoy.    

This gorgeous home has a solar heated infinity pool, four separate casitas with a king bed and bathroom with shower. The master bedroom in the main house also has a king and private en suite bath. All of the dinners will once again be catered by Epicurean Escape and I am already excited to have Matt’s famous chocolate chip cookies!

One extra special addition I have for this year is a sound bath on our final evening. Audrya Chancellor of Mendocino Sound Healing will join our restorative practice and use her beautiful instruments to nourish our mind, body and souls.

I am extremely excited for this and cannot think of a better way to conclude our time together.


The price is $2695 per person (not per room) and includes the following:

  • Accommodations in Hopland, CA
  • 3 – 60 min Morning Yoga Vinyasa (Thurs – Sat)
  • 3 – 60 min Evening Yoga Sessions; a blend of vinyasa and restorative yoga. (Thurs – Sat)
    • Sound Bath Saturday Evening
  • Daily Breakfast
    • Saturday we will have breakfast/brunch at the Golden Pig in Hopland (3 min drive).
  • Daily Lunch
    • Thursday will be a box lunch by Epicurean Escape.
    • Friday we will have a Picnic Lunch at Saracina Vineyard; wine tasting included
  • Catered dinners by Epicurian Escape.
  • Wine tasting in the garden at Campovida.
  • Yoga Blanket (yours to keep)
  • Beverages Included are coffee, tea, still and sparkling water and limited wine.
  • Snacks
  • Airport transfers to and from SFO
    • This only applies if you transfer with the group.
    • Individual transfers are not included.

Retreat Price Does Not Include:

  • Airfare to CA
  • Alcohol outside of tastings.
  • Travel Insurance
    • I highly recommend getting travel insurance just in case life gets in the way as refunds are only available up to May 1st. Below are a few recommendations for you to consider. I also recommend purchasing your insurance within 14 days of making your deposit.

What will we do during the retreat? I’m glad you asked because I have it all planned out! Below is an outline to give you an idea of how we will spend our days and schedule is subject to change.


  • Check into house in Hopland. Check-in time is 4:00pm.
  • Dinner
  • Discussion Circle–Spend some time getting to know one another, talk about the days ahead and set an intention.


  • Morning vinyasa
  • Breakfast
  • Leave for Oscar’s Place (approx 5-10 min drive from the house)
    • Spend time with the donkeys
    • Have our lunch at Oscar’s Place. We will also be treating the Oscar’s place team with a box lunch as well.
  • Free Time back at the house
  • Dinner
  • Evening Yoga


  • Morning vinyasa
  • Breakfast
  • Leave for Saracina Vineyards (approx 10 min drive from the house)
  • Head back to the house for free time
  • Dinner
  • Evening Yoga


  • Morning vinyasa
  • Breakfast/Brunch at Golden Pig
  • Wine Tasting at Campovida
  • Head back to house for free time
  • Sound Bath by Mendocino Sound Healing and Restorative Yoga
  • Dinner


  • Breakfast
  • Check out and head home

I hope you can join me as I truly believe that it will be a special experience that you will carry home with you. If you would like to register, please submit the form below. To secure your spot, I’ll need a $300 deposit. The balance is due by May 1st. There is no refund for cancellations after May 1st which is why I highly encourage travel insurance.

Once I receive the competed form below, I will reach out to you regarding payment details or to address any questions you may have.

If you would like to stay in the loop regarding the retreat and other events that I host, please consider subscribing to this blog!

Advice From An Oscar’s Place Volunteer

SPOILER ALERT!!! We all need to get a donkey hug from Viejo.

Whether you are going on the upcoming Karma Retreat or are still considering joining us, I thought it would fun and informative to hear from someone who has spent some time volunteering at Oscar’s Place.

While I was visiting the sanctuary back in January, I was fortunate enough to meet one of the volunteers, Liz. She was in one of the pastures we were touring (there are several at Oscar’s) and was so friendly and welcoming. Liz was quick to introduce herself to my mom and I and she was super easy to talk to. We chatted away while giving the donkeys scratches and I told her about the yoga retreat I was planning. The conversation had to be cut short as I realized that that Ron was leading us to a different pasture so I asked for her contact information in case I had questions. She was more than happy to exchange numbers and was even kind enough to let me interview her via e-mail about what it is like to volunteer with these wonderful animals. Continue to scroll on down to learn more about Liz, and volunteering at Oscar’s Place.

  1. How long have you volunteered at Oscar’s Place?
    •    March 22nd is my one year anniversary at Oscar’s and I am out there every week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and sometimes Saturday. 
  2. How long is your typical volunteer shift?  
    • My hours are different every day because I work full time and have to pick my kids up from school. On Tuesdays I am out there from 9 to 2:00, Wednesdays from 9 – 1:00 and Thursdays from 9 – 11:30. Believe it or not, this isn’t enough time to spend with all the donkeys.
  3. Do you have a typical routine that you follow while you are at the sanctuary?  
    •  My routine is to always see my favorites and to say hello to others in that same pasture before I move on to the next.  I usually have at least one donkey that I am trying to gain their trust and make sure I see them too.  I start in the momma and baby pasture, next on to the boys, and I continue to the day spa pasture. Then I make my way to the new 22. 
  4. Do you have a favorite story or highlight that you like to share or revisit in your mind?    
    • I have many stories and highlights because Oscar’s brings me so much joy that I don’t just have one. These are just a few examples; Babies sitting on my lap, bonding with Burpee, (link to IG story) baby Uhtred running to me to say hello, imprinting with the babies, and gaining the trust from the shy ones are just a few things that bring me joy at Oscar’s.    One story that I think is important to share was gaining the trust of Zorillo. He is a handsome paint that would not let anyone get close to him. I give the credit to Hugo for opening the doors for him to trust me. I was in the barn with Hugo, who was able to pet Zorillo the previous week. I took advantage of Hugo being there and reached out to pet Zorillo from the other side of the fence.  That day was the beginning of our relationship and it continues to grow every day. I feel that this story is important to remember because they all have a different past and they will all have their own time frame to heal. Just be patient and they will trust one day.  It took me 7 months for him to fully trust me and it was well worth every minute! 
  5. What has your time at Oscar’s Place taught you?  
    • That I love donkeys and to take time for myself. I had no previous knowledge about donkeys and had no idea what to expect.  I fell in love with them the first day and never knew how much happiness they would bring me. I am also learning that many people don’t know much about donkeys.   Being at Oscar’s has also helped me to enjoy life more, especially with family, and make time for things that bring me joy. One thing that brings me joy is being at Oscar’s (of course my family does too) with all of the amazing donkeys. When I’m out there, all my stress leaves and all I think about is donkeys. You have to experience it to really understand. 
  6. Finally, what do you recommend wearing while at Oscar’s Place knowing that we will be there at the end of June.  
    • In June it can be very hot, reaching the 100’s. Dress to be cool; shorts, short sleeves, wide brim sun hat, sunglasses, comfortable closed toe shoes (I wear boots, but I use to wear running shoes) and sunscreen. Sometimes it’s cool in the mornings, so a long sleeve shirt over your short sleeve should be perfect.  I still wear jeans in the summer because I like to snuggle on the ground with the babies.
  7. What tips and tricks do you like to offer to new volunteers regarding interacting with the donkeys?  
    • A slow walk up to the donkeys is always good. Petting their body first and then to their face. Every donkey has their favorite spot, but I have yet to meet a donkey that doesn’t love their butt scratched! Sometimes they will walk away to position themselves for a butt scratching, so don’t automatically think they are leaving you. 
  8. Anything else that you would like to share that I didn’t ask?  
    • Everyone should get a donkey hug from Viejo. The weight of his head on your shoulder and the exhale of him being totally relaxed is a feeling I can’t even describe. Don’t forget water to keep hydrated…☀️ Depending on how long you’re staying, bringing a small lunch or snack would be a good idea too. 

I hope that you all enjoyed learning about Liz as well as her experiences at Oscar’s Place! Thank you so much Liz for your kindness, for loving these gentle animals and for allowing me to interview you. I look forward to seeing you again in June and can’t wait to introduce you to the yogi crew!

If you have any questions or comments about the post please let me know! Furthermore, if you are interested in joining us in Sonoma Valley this June, please fill out the form below and I will reach out to you to answer any questions that you have about the retreat. You can find all the details about the retreat by reading the post titled Karma Retreat–Sonoma Valley June 2023.

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Karma Retreat–Sonoma Valley June 2023



  hours  minutes  seconds


Karma Retreat

I am thrilled to announce the details of my karma yoga retreat this June! I am beyond excited for this retreat as I believe that it includes all of the necessary elements to make it fun, meaningful, and memorable. We will all gather in the heart of Sonoma Valley, stay in a charming B&B, practice daily yoga, eat amazing food, sample a wide variety of Sonoma wines, and last but not least, offer our time, love and compassion at a special rescue for mistreated donkeys called Oscar’s Place. Oscar’s Place will be our karma service project and we will spend two days there offering them our love, scratching their ears, rubbing their faces, kissing their noses, brushing their backs and doing everything that we can to help them trust humans again.

Oscar’s Place is an adoption center and sanctuary for donkeys. The donkey population is at risk because of the high demand for donkey hides in the creation of a traditional Chinese medicine. Two years ago, Ron King, the founder of Oscar’s Place, heard the call for help and created this loving and beautiful haven for mistreated and abused donkeys. A place where they can receive much needed medical care, rehabilitation and well as love and compassion. I recently returned from Oscar’s Place and experienced for myself the scars of the abuse these gentle creatures have endured, but also their gentle and curious personalities. Needless to say, I fell in love with all of them and am confident that you will too.

Retreat dates are June 21st-25th, 2023. The price is $2495 (double occupancy) for the non-tower rooms and $2650 (double occupancy) for one of the three Tower rooms. The rooms are first come, first serve. Here is a link to the different rooms at the Pinschower Inn; please note that the Asti room is not available.

Tower Rooms ($2650 pp)

  • Marian Tower (Q Bed)
  • Jones Tower (K Bed)
  • Simon Tower (Q Bed)

Non-Tower Rooms ($2495 pp)

  • Preston Room (Q Bed)
  • Speranza Room (Q Bed)
  • Kleiser Room (K Bed)

Pinschower Inn Address: 302 North Main Street Cloverdale, CA 95425

Airports Close To Cloverdale:

  • San Francisco: 1 hr 31 min (86.6 mi) from San Francisco via US-101
  • Sacramento: 2 hr 10 min (129.1 mi)  via I-80 W and US-101 N
  • Santa Rosa: 32 min (32.2 mi) via US-101 N

Retreat Price Inclues The Following:

  • Accommodations at the Pinschower Inn in Cloverdale, CA
  • 3 – 60 min Morning Yoga Sessions; vinyasa style.
  • 2 – 60 min Evening Yoga Sessions; a blend of vinyasa and restorative yoga.
  • 2 – Discussion Circles–Topics will cover Karma Yoga (what is it) Ahimsa, and retreat take-aways.
  • 4 – Breakfasts (prepared by Alison)
  • 2 – Box Lunches prepared by Epicurian Escape
  • 1 – Picnic Lunch at Saracina Vineyard; wine tasting included
  • 3 – Catered dinners at Pinschower Inn by Epicurian Escape; this will also include 3-4 oz tastings of two different wines from the Wilson Winery group.
  • 1 wine tasting dinner at Rustic, the restaurant of the Coppola Winery
  • Yoga Mat (yours to keep)
  • 2 Yoga Blocks (yours to keep)
  • 1 Yoga Blanket (yours to keep)
  • Beverages Included are coffee, tea, still and sparkling water, and wine at dinner (3-4oz pours)
  • Snacks

Retreat Price Does Not Include:

  • Alcohol outside of tastings.
  • Airport transfers
  • Travel to Sonoma Valley
  • Travel Insurance

What will we do during the retreat? I’m glad you asked because I have it all planned out! Below is an outline to give you an idea of how we will spend our days and schedule is subject to change.

Wednesday June 21st

  • Check into the Pinschower; Check-In is 3:00 on the 21st
  • Dinner
  • Discussion Circle–What is Karma Yoga and how does it relate to Ahimsa?

Thursday June 22nd

  • Morning vinyasa in the garden
  • Breakfast
  • Leave for Oscar’s Place (approx 20 min drive from the Inn)
  • Spend time with the donkeys
  • Have our lunch at Jaxson Keys Winery (approx 10 min drive from Oscar’s Place) Feel free to taste some wine during lunch!
  • Head back to Pinschower (approx 25-30 minute drive)
  • Free Time
  • Dinner
  • Evening Yoga

Friday June 23rd

  • Morning vinyasa in the garden
  • Breakfast
  • Leave for Saracina Vineyards (approx 20 min drive from the Inn)
  • Scampagnata Wine Tasting and Picnic Lunch at Saracina Winery
  • Enjoy another wine tasting DeLorimier Winery
  • Head back to the Pinschower
  • Free Time
  • Dinner
  • Evening Yoga

Saturday June 24th

  • Morning vinyasa in the garden
  • Breakfast
  • Leave for Oscar’s Place
  • Time with the donkeys
  • Lunch again at Jaxson Keys Winery
  • Head back to Pinschower
  • Free Time
  • Wine Tasting Dinner at Rustic at Coppola Winery
  • Discussion Circle

Sunday June 25th

  • Breakfast
  • Check out of the Inn and head home (I’m already sad)

I hope you can join me as I truly believe that it will be a special experience that you will carry home with you. If you would like to register, please submit the form below. To secure your spot, I’ll need a $300 non-refundable deposit. The balance is due by May 1st. There is no refund for cancellations after May 1st.

Once I receive the competed form below, I will reach out to you regarding payment details and room selection.